Quantum Computing

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How can companies use quantum computers beneficially in the future? Fraunhofer IAO uses software solutions, algorithms and tools to develop, simulate and demonstrate future applications of quantum computers. In the future, they have the potential to outperform even the fastest supercomputers. What was only theory for a long time is now on the verge of a commercial breakthrough. The first German quantum computer in Ehningen gives the innovation location Baden-Württemberg a radiance from which companies can profit in the future.


Quantum Machine Learning

We research the quantum-assisted processing of ML data and the design of robust and efficiently trainable QML models.


Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing

We design high-performance quantum algorithms that avoid quantum errors through quantum error correction and coded logical operations.

Quantum Service Engineering

By providing innovative quantum solutions as "Quantum Services", we will enable companies to integrate quantum computing into their IT workflows in the future.


Open Positions

You are interested in our research and looking for a job in the field of quantum computing? You can find open positions in the Quantum team here. 

Knowledge transfer and outreach activities

Quantum Training and Ecosystem Building

Knowledge transfer and networking are a key factor for the success of quantum technologies. We focus on the value of communication and collaboration and contribute to the development of expertise and competitiveness in the region.

Our offer

Our activities start where they are needed: From providing basic knowledge at entry level, through modular QC training, to consulting and networking activities in the transregional QC ecosystem. With the "QuantumBW Colloquium", we promote scientific exchange on quantum technologies in THE LÄND and beyond. 

Products and services


Symposium ML4QT

The symposium Machine Learning to Advance Quantum Technologies will take place on July 7 and 8 2025 at experimenta Heilbronn. 


Exchange format

QuantumBW Colloquium

The aim of the colloquium is to promote scientific exchange on hardware and algorithmic topics in the field of quantum computing.


Quantum Computing Training Program

The interactive course offers a comprehensive insight from the theory to the practical programming of a quantum computer.

Research and projects


Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg (KQCBW)

As part of the "Competence Center Quantum Computing Baden-Württemberg" (KQCBW), the first IBM quantum computer on German ground was set up in Ehningen near Stuttgart. Together with Fraunhofer IAF, Fraunhofer IAO takes over its coordination as well as the contact to local companies.




Fraunhofer HNFIZ for Applied Quantum AI

The Fraunhofer Heilbronn Research and Innovation Center for applied Quantum AI does not view artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing (QC) in isolation, but rather as complementary technologies with potential. The targeted combination of these areas creates new opportunities for research, business and society.



The office of the QuantumBW innovation initiative serves as a central point of contact for the networks in the academic and applied quantum technology sector in order to bundle and strengthen them and make them more visible internationally. The Fraunhofer IAO manages the office together with the Fraunhofer IAF and the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST at the University of Stuttgart and the University of Ulm.


SEQUOIA End-to-End

The main goal of the collaborative research project SEQUOIA End-to-End is to make today's bottlenecks in the entire quantum software development process transparent and to research and provide performant, automated and controllable end-to-end solutions for industrial use cases through holistic quantum software engineering. The activities build on the results of the completed SEQUOIA project.


Innovation Concept Quantum Computing Software Stack

This preliminary project aims to develop a comprehensive innovation concept for the seamless integration of the various layers of the quantum computing software stack, from hardware to application, from firmware to industry. It provides the basis for the lead project "QC Next". 



The AutoQML project aims to both solve the challenges of current AutoML approaches and to adapt the successful approach of AutoML. Future users should thus have easier access to QML methods.