Connecting the country in quantum technologies

When it comes to innovations and future technologies, Baden-Württemberg stands for an outstanding inventive spirit. This is particularly true for quantum technology, which is expected to bring enormous progress to industry, medicine, logistics and many other areas of our lives.
Companies, start-ups and research institutions throughout the country are working at full speed to develop new application solutions. The overarching goal is to prepare the local economy for the future and create optimal competitive conditions. As decisive quantum expertise is being created in all corners of the country, the direct networking of the involved players is becoming increasingly important. When experts come together, competences are bundled and knowledge is shared, quantum technology can develop successfully in the future and Baden-Württemberg (also: "THE LÄND") can achieve international visibility as an industrial pioneer. For this reason, the innovation initiative "QuantumBW" was launched in April 2023.
QuantumBW bundles the unique scientific and economic expertise in Europe’s leading innovation region "THE LÄND" to shape the quantum revolution. It promotes the transfer of quantum technology research into real-world applications to improve various areas of life and transform markets.
The QuantumBW office serves as a single point of contact for quantum technology activities in the state of Baden-Württemberg. It acts as a hub for partners in the academic and applied quantum technology sector, bringing together the expertise spread across the country. The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO in Stuttgart manages the office together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF in Freiburg and the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST at the University of Stuttgart and the University of Ulm.
The coordination of state-wide research and development activities by the QuantumBW office strengthens and accelerates innovation through cooperation in the field of quantum technologies. The close cooperation between science, industry and investors not only contributes to the development of synergies, but also to the establishment of stable infrastructures and the efficient usage of existing know-how. By also promoting the qualification of experts and young professionals in research and companies, we are increasing the attractiveness of the economic region of Baden-Württemberg and become a center of attraction for top talents. By creating attractive location factors, we encourage the start-up scene to establish companies and investments by science and industry.
The office supports the innovation initiative QuantumBW in the successful implementation of the roadmap for Baden-Württemberg, transfer concepts and measures for the successful implementation of the state-wide quantum strategy. Their further development is carried out in coordination with the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg as well as with partners from industry and research. On the part of the Fraunhofer institutes, the needs of industry and existing scientific and industrial activities are analyzed.
The office also promotes networking and knowledge transfer between relevant partners. Regular network meetings focus on the professional exchange of results from regional research projects and newly developed quantum solutions. The participation of the QuantumBW network in trade fairs and conferences enables the establishment of new contacts in the business fields of quantum technology. In the coming years, this will create an ecosystem that will support Baden-Württemberg’s economy and science in unlocking and exploiting the potential of quantum technologies.