
Quantum Machine Learning

Fraunhofer IAO | Daniel Pranjic
© Fraunhofer IAO

The performance of Machine Learning can be increased even further by using quantum computers. Examples of this include quantum-based price prediction for construction machinery, image recognition in manufacturing and fraud detection in the financial sector – use cases that are the focus of our research work. In detail, we are researching which data is particularly suitable for quantum-based processing and how Quantum Machine Learning models must be designed to be as robust and efficient as possible for training. In the project "AutoQML", we are automating the selection of the associated hyperparameters and the construction of the corresponding (Q)ML pipeline as easily as possible. 

Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing

Fraunhofer IAO | Vamshi Mohan Katukuri
© Fraunhofer IAO

Qubits are extremely fragile, and this limits how long they are useful for quantum computing. Decoherence, the decay in quality of Qubits, is the primary cause for this fragility. Fault-tolerant quantum computing refers to the framework of ideas that allows qubits to be protected from quantum errors. Quantum Error Correction (QEC) serves as a remedy to protect qubit information by encoding the logical qubit (a bit of quantum information) into an ensemble of physical qubits such that a failure of any physical qubit does not corrupt the underlying logical information. Our research goals here are to design appropriate quantum algorithms to implement both QEC and encoded logic operations in a way to avoid quantum errors cascading through quantum circuits for different applications. 

Quantum Service Engineering

© WrightStudio – Adobe Stock
© WrightStudio – Adobe Stock

Quantum Computing (QC) has major potential for new concepts regarding service-oriented business models. Therefore, our future vision is to establish innovative QC solutions as "Quantum Services". By researching this "QC as a Service" (QCaaS) approach as part of the project "Quantum Computing Heilbronn-Franken", we will in the future empower companies to integrate QC within their existing IT workflows. To conduct this research, we operate our own classical high-performance computing cluster (HPC cluster), which is among others in the project "AutoQML" used for the simulation of quantum circuits and for the development of (Q)ML models. To demonstrate the potential of "Quantum Service Engineering", the QC tools, frameworks and software demonstrators developed in the research projects will be hosted on our servers as "Quantum Services" and made also available via the "Fraunhofer-GitLab". Furthermore, we offer a practical introduction to the topic inside our modern "Quantum Software Lab" in the context of the Quantum Computing Training Program.


Quantum Machine Learning 


  • D. Pranjić, B. C. Mummaneni  and C. Tutschku, Quantum Annealing based Feature Selection in Machine Learning, 2024, 
    Link to the publication
  • D. Basilewitsch, J. F. Bravo, C. Tutschku and F. Struckmeier, Quantum Neural Networks in Practice: A Comparative Study with Classical Models from Standard Data Sets to Industrial Images, 2024,  
    Link to the publication
  • D. Pranjić, F. Knäble, P. Kunst, D. Kutzias, D. Klau, C. Tutschku, L. Simon, M. Kraus and A. Abedi, Unsupervised Quantum Anomaly Detection on Noisy Quantum Processors, 2024,
    Link to the publication
  • H. Stühler, D. Klau, M.-A. Zöller, A. Beiderwellen-Bedrikow and C. Tutschku, End-to-End Implementation of Automated Price Forecasting Applications, in SN Computer Science, Vol. 5(402), 2024,
    Link to the publication
  • H. Stühler, D. Pranjić and Christian Tutschku, Evaluating Quantum Support Vector Regression Methods for Price Forecasting Applications, 2024, 
    Link to the publication
  • D. Klau, H. Krause,  D. A. Kreplin, M. Roth, C. Tutschku and M. Zöller, AutoQML – A Framework for Automated Quantum Machine Learning, 2023,
    Link to the publication
  • J. Berberich, D. Fink, D. Pranjić, C. Tutschku and C. Holm, Training robust and generalizable quantum models, 2023,
    Link to the publication
  • D. Klau, M. Zöller and C. Tutschku, Bringing Quantum Algorithms to Automated Machine Learning: A Systematic Review of AutoML Frameworks Regarding Extensibility for QML Algorithms, 2023, 
    Link to the publication
  • H. Stühler, M.-A. Zöller, D. Klau, A. Beiderwellen-Bedrikow and C. Tutschku, Benchmarking Automated Machine Learning Methods for Price Forecasting Applications, 2023,
    Link to the publication

Quantum Software Engineering

  • N. Schillo and A. Sturm, Quantum Circuit Learning on NISQ Hardware, 2024,
    Link to the publication
  • A. Sturm, B. C. Mummaneni and L. Rullkötter, Unlocking Quantum Optimization: A Use Case Study on NISQ Systems, 2024,
    Link to the publication
  • N. Schillo, Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Machine Learning for Differential Equations, 2024,
    Link to the publication
  • G. Koßmann, L. Binkowski, C. Tutschku and R. Schwonnek, Open-Shop Scheduling With Hard Constraints, 2023,
    Link to the publication
  • A. Sturm, Theory and Implementation of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm: A Comprehensible Introduction and Case Study Using Qiskit and IBM Quantum Computers, 2023,
    Link to the publication
  • C. Tutschku, A. Sturm, F. Knäble, B. C. Mummaneni, D. Pranjic, C. Stephan, D. B. Mayer, G. Koßmann, M. Roth, P.-A. Matt, A. Grigorjan, T. Wellens, K. König, M. Beisel, F. Truger, F. Shagieva, O. Denninger and S. Garhofer, Quantencomputing in der industriellen Applikation. Vom Algorithmen-, Markt- und Hardwareüberblick hin zu anwendungszentriertem Quantensoftware-Engineering, 2023
    Link to the publication

Quantum Chemistry

  • B. C. Mummaneni, S.i Chen, W.Hübner  and  G. Lefkidis, Investigation of the exact spin channels in laser-induced spin dynamics in two mononuclear Cu(ii) complexes, 2024,
    Link to the publication


Quantum Computing in Industrial Application

The study is available in German.



AutoQML – A Framework for Automated Quantum Machine Learning


Quantum Training and Ecosystem Building

We focus on the value of communication and collaboration – and thus contributing to the expansion of technological expertise and competitiveness in the region.

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Our activities start where they are needed: From imparting basic knowledge and answering management questions at entry level, through modular training for advanced users, to consulting and joint activities in the supra-regional quantum computing ecosystem.