QuantumBW Colloquium

Where possibility becomes reality


The innovation initiative QuantumBW launches the new "QuantumBW Colloquium" on the campus of the Fraunhofer Institute Center Stuttgart. The aim of the colloquium is to promote scientific exchange on hardware and algorithmic topics in the field of quantum computing, to present the latest developments in this research area and to promote the idea of co-development of quantum solutions.

In addition to the question of how the next generation of computers will be realized, it is also exciting to see what next-generation computers can be used for. They have promising applications in cryptography, machine learning and optimization. Due to the currently still noisy, small systems of the NISQ era (Noisy Intermediate Scale), the class of variational quantum algorithms is particularly interesting. These and other topics such as quantum error correction, barren plateaus and quantum advantage will be discussed in the colloquium on the following dates: 

Upcoming colloquium dates

April 10: Quantum Computing in Physics, Chemistry and Optimization (Marko Rancic)

Quantum Computing in Physics, Chemistry and Optimization

Quantum computers are predicted to solve problems with a computational complexity which is unachievable for their classical counterparts. However, quantum error correction is still an unreached dream and a lot of attention is given to algorithms on current day noisy quantum computers. In this talk I will give recent advances in quantum computing in chemistry, physics and for industry scale optimization problems. The focus of my talk would be industry scale use cases on current day hardware. Some attention will be given to a synergy between high performance and quantum computing.

Past events

March 20: Dr. Lukas Burgholzer (Technical University of Munich)

Design Automation Tools and Software for Quantum Computing

Designing and realizing quantum computing applications in a scalable fashion requires automated, efficient, and user-friendly software tools that cater to the needs of end users, engineers, and physicists. Many of the problems to be tackled are similar to design problems from the classical realm for which sophisticated design automation tools have been developed in the last decades. The Munich Quantum Toolkit (MQT) is a collection of open-source software tools for quantum computing developed by the Chair for Design Automation at TUM, which uses this design automation expertise to provide solutions for design tasks across the entire quantum software stack. This entails high-level support for end users, efficient methods for the classical simulation, compilation, and verification of quantum circuits, tools for quantum error correction, and more. This talk will cover selected highlights across the broad spectrum of the MQT and its history.

December 19, Prof. Enrique Solano (Kipu Quantum)

Useful quantum computing in the NISQ Era

We will describe digital, analog, and digital-analog quantum computing paradigms. Furthermore, we will discuss the possibility of reaching quantum advantage for industry use cases with current quantum computers in trapped ions, superconducting circuits, neutral atoms, and photonic systems.

Live Stream

December 5, Prof. Barbara Kraus (TU München)

Is your quantum computer working?

Current quantum devises are faulty and one needs to be able to assess the errors which occur during quantum information processing. I will discuss several methods to gain confidence about the correct functioning of quantum devices and to test quantum computations and quantum simulations. 

Live Stream

November 21, Prof. Ioan Pop (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT/ University of Stuttgart)

Mesoscopic physics challenges (in) superconducting quantum devices

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November 7, Prof. Markus Müller (RWTH Aachen University/ FZ Jülich)

The dawn of quantum fault-tolerance

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October 17, Prof. Joris van Slageren (University of Stuttgart)

Molecules for Quantum Technologies

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September 26, Dr. Werner Dobrautz (Chalmers University of Technology Gothemburg)

Quantum Computing Meets Quantum Chemistry: A Potential New Era of Simulation and Study

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September 12, Dr. Christian Marciniak (Universität Innsbruck)

Quantum information processing with trapped ions – state of the art, perspectives, and recent applications

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July 25, Prof. Jens Eisert (FU Berlin)

Do quantum computers have applications in optimization and machine learning?

Quantum computing promises advantages for a number of structured computational problems. While the idea of quantum computing is not new, only within the last a bit more than five years protagonists have set out to actually build such devices to a reasonable scale. The quantum computers we have today are still somewhat noisy and not huge - but then, such devices seemed inconceivable not very long ago, creating an exciting state of affairs. This also comes along with lots of expectations and some hype. This talk will go on a journey deciphering what we can reasonably expect from such machines in the near future. It will present some exciting perspectives concerning achieving industrially relevant applications in machine learning and optimization. It will also debunk some of the most unreasonable of expectations and provide a reality check of what can be achieved for noisy devices. Overall, this will give rise to a ride through the landscape of one of the most exciting and promising future technologies.

July 11, Prof. Zoë Holmes (EPFL)

Does provable absence of barren plateaus imply classical simulability?

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June 27, Dr. Christa Zoufal (IBM Quantum)

The potentials and bottlenecks of state-of-the-art quantum machine learning algorithms

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May 2, Dr. Michele Grossi (CERN)

Variational quantum algorithms: training and expressivity considerations from CERN

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April 18, Prof. Dr. Tilman Pfau (University of Stuttgart)

THE QUANTUM LÄND: Quantum computing with trapped neutral atoms - made in Stuttgart

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Products and services


Symposium ML4QT

The symposium Machine Learning to Advance Quantum Technologies will take place on July 7 and 8 2025 at experimenta Heilbronn. 


Exchange format

QuantumBW Colloquium

The aim of the colloquium is to promote scientific exchange on hardware and algorithmic topics in the field of quantum computing.


Quantum Computing Training Program

The interactive course offers a comprehensive insight from the theory to the practical programming of a quantum computer.