Fully exploit the potential of data and profitably participate in cross-company data ecosystems

In the wake of Industry 4.0, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet-of-Things, data is gaining importance in virtually all sectors of the economy. Many companies have data resources (e.g. sensor data from production machines, product data or supplier data), but do not fully exploit their potential. This is partly because the value of the data is not recognized, and partly because there are concerns about data protection and sharing intellectual property. Yet the use of data as a commodity in its own right offers many opportunities, ranging from data trading to innovative data-based services or new collaboration opportunities. For example, users of production machines can pass on sensor data to a service provider. This service provider offers discounted predictive maintenance services for passing on the data.
The research project »Incentives and Economics of Data Sharing (IEDS)« aims to support companies in exploiting the potential of their "data treasures" and participating profitably in data ecosystems. Surveys are used to identify the greatest challenges encountered in practice and to develop appropriate solutions. In particular, the establishment of internal data strategy and data management, the evaluation of data, the design of data-based business models, the merging of data providers and data consumers, and legal issues are the focus of attention.
The results produced in IEDS enable companies to: