QuantumBW Colloquium

Where possibility becomes reality


Die Innovationsinitiative QuantumBW startet das neue landesweite »QuantumBW Colloquium« auf dem Campus des Fraunhofer-Institutszentrums Stuttgart. Ziel des Colloquiums ist es, den wissenschaftlichen Austausch über Hardware- und Algorithmik-Themen im Bereich Quantencomputing zu fördern, die neuesten Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet vorzustellen und den Gedanken des »Co-Developments« von Quantenlösungen voranzutreiben.

Neben der Frage wie die nächste Generation der Computer realisiert wird, ist es ebenso spannend wofür man die »Next-Generation-Computer« einsetzen kann. Vielversprechende Anwendung finden diese in der Kryptographie, im Machine Learning und in der Optimierung. Aufgrund der aktuell noch verrauschten, kleinen Systeme der NISQ-Ära (Noisy Intermediate Scale), ist insbesondere die Klasse der variationellen Quantenalgorithmen interessant. Diese und weitere Themen wie Quantenfehlerkorrektur, Barren Plateaus und Quantum Advantage beleuchten wir im Colloquium an den folgenden Terminen: 

Anstehende Termine

17. Oktober, Prof. Joris van Slageren (Universität Stuttgart)

Molecules for Quantum Technologies

Molecules and molecule-based systems show great promise as a novel platform for the development of spin-based quantum technologies. Their extensive tunability allows them to be adapted to specific use cases. Their atomically precise positionability with deterministic interactions may enable developing functional quantum assemblies of millions of qubits. Finally, their nanoscopic size guarantees excellent integrability in photonic and electronic devices. Long coherence times, two-qubit gate operations, electrical and optical readout ad single entity addressing have all been achieved. This talk will outline the state of the art in the field and highlight our contributions to it. Specifically, we will discuss how to prolong coherence times, how to create surface assemblies of molecular qubits, and how to use molecules as quantum memories.

Live Stream

7. November, Prof. Markus Müller (RWTH Aachen/ FZ Jülich)

The dawn of quantum fault-tolerance

Large-scale quantum computers hold the promise to efficiently solve some computationally hard problems, for which efficient solutions are intractable on classical computers. To date, the construction of scalable fault-tolerant quantum computers remains a fundamental scientific and technological challenge. In this talk, we will first introduce basic concepts of quantum computing and quantum error correction, which allows one to protect quantum information during storage and processing, by redundant encoding of quantum information in logical qubits formed of multiple physical qubits. We will then discuss recent progress in the area of quantum topological quantum error correction, based on new theory concepts and collaborative experimental breakthroughs in state-of-the-art physical quantum processors, including trapped ions, Rydberg atoms and superconducting qubits. These results mark exciting first steps into the era of early fault-tolerant quantum computing with logical qubits.

Live Stream

21. November, Prof. Ioan Pop (KIT/ Universität Stuttgart)

Mesoscopic physics challenges (in) superconducting quantum devices

Superconducting quantum bits, or qubits, are at the forefront of quantum computing research. Harnessing the low loss properties of superconductors and the nonlinearity of Josephson junctions, qubits can be engineered to exist in quantum superposition states and they can be entangled, promising a new paradigm in information processing. By controlling and measuring these fragile quantum states, the community eventually aims to implement powerful quantum algorithms, which on some applications have a much more favorable scaling compared to classical counterparts. However, many challenges persist in maintaining coherence, mitigating noise, and enhancing gate fidelity. I will discuss three mesoscopic physics phenomena which significantly complicate the task of engineering coherent superconducting hardware: ionizing radiation interactions with the microelectronic qubit device substrate, long lived and uncontrolled two-level systems which imprint a memory in the qubit's environment, and fluctuations in the transparency of aluminum oxide tunnel barriers which are at the heart of Josephson junctions.

Live Stream

19. Dezember, Prof. Enrique Solano (Kipu Quantum)

Useful quantum computing in the NISQ Era

We will describe digital, analog, and digital-analog quantum computing paradigms. Furthermore, we will discuss the possibility of reaching quantum advantage for industry use cases with current quantum computers in trapped ions, superconducting circuits, neutral atoms, and photonic systems.

Live Stream

Vergangene Termine

26. September, Dr. Werner Dobrautz (Chalmers University of Technology Götheborg)

Quantum computing meets quantum chemistry: A potential new era of simulation and study

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12. September, Dr. Christian Marciniak (Universität Innsbruck)

Quantum information processing with trapped ions – state of the art, perspectives, and recent applications

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25. Juli, Prof. Jens Eisert (FU Berlin)

Do quantum computers have applications in optimization and machine learning?

Quantum computing promises advantages for a number of structured computational problems. While the idea of quantum computing is not new, only within the last a bit more than five years protagonists have set out to actually build such devices to a reasonable scale. The quantum computers we have today are still somewhat noisy and not huge - but then, such devices seemed inconceivable not very long ago, creating an exciting state of affairs. This also comes along with lots of expectations and some hype. This talk will go on a journey deciphering what we can reasonably expect from such machines in the near future. It will present some exciting perspectives concerning achieving industrially relevant applications in machine learning and optimization. It will also debunk some of the most unreasonable of expectations and provide a reality check of what can be achieved for noisy devices. Overall, this will give rise to a ride through the landscape of one of the most exciting and promising future technologies.

11. Juli, Prof. Zoë Holmes (EPFL)

Does provable absence of barren plateaus imply classical simulability?

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27. Juni, Dr. Christa Zoufal (IBM Quantum)

The potentials and bottlenecks of state-of-the-art quantum machine learning algorithms

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2. Mai, Dr. Michele Grossi (CERN)

Variational quantum algorithms: training and expressivity considerations from CERN

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18. April, Prof. Dr. Tilman Pfau (Universität Stuttgart)

THE QUANTUM LÄND: Quantum computing with trapped neutral atoms - made in Stuttgart

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Produkte und Leistungen


Landesweites Austauschformat

QuantumBW Colloquium

Ziel des Colloquiums ist es, den wissenschaftlichen Austausch über Hardware- und Algorithmik-Themen im Bereich Quantencomputing zu fördern.


Schulungsprogramm Quantencomputing

Die interaktive Schulung bietet einen übergreifenden Einblick von der Theorie bis zur praktischen Programmierung eines Quantencomputers.


Quantum Lab

Das QLab fördert den Transfer von Know-how zum Thema Quantencomputing in Unternehmen und Öffentlichkeit. Ob Einstiegs- oder Expertenlevel: Tauchen Sie mit uns ein in die faszinierende Welt der Quanten! 

Mehr zum Thema Quantencomputing



Blogreihe »Quantencomputing«

Die Blogreihe gibt einen Überblick sowie Hilfestellungen und Denkanstöße rund um das innovative Thema Quantencomputing.



Fraunhofer IAO und Quantencomputing

Hier erhalten Sie einen Überblick über aktuelle Themen, Veranstaltungen und Projekte zum Thema Quantencomputing am Fraunhofer IAO.